800 520 0055 8am-11pm Monday-Friday
10am-6pm Saturday and Sunday

Your perfect CV from the CV-Shop.com is the first step towards your dream Job.

We have the best CV experts in the industry, each with vast experience of CV writing, CV editing and CV critiquing.

All CV writers on our team have MREC or CIPD qualifications. The majority of our CV and resume experts come from a recruitment background.

Our CV experts at CV-Shop

We know how important your CV is to your career prospects. To this end, we take the recruitment of our CV writing experts at CV-Shop extremely seriously.

The majority of our CV writing experts come from a recruitment consultancy background, where they will have produced and edited hundreds, if not thousands, of CVs. We rigorously assess our CV writers before they are offered a place on our expert team: they are required to successfully complete a series of written tests, and we are the only CV writing company that personally interviews every applicant over the telephone.

This enables us to quantify that person’s strengths, skills and expertise to ensure that only writers of the highest calibre join our team. In fact just 20% of the experienced and qualified candidates who apply to CV-Shop are actually considered to be of a high enough standard to become part of the team.

For this reason, our writers are among the best CV writing specialists working in the UK today and between them have many years of hands-on recruitment experience. Together they have helped countless people improve their career prospects. Read what our clients say.

  1. We verify the educational and professional achievements of our writers by insisting on copies of degree certificates or other professional qualifications.
  2. We pay our CV experts extremely competitive rates of pay to reward them for their expertise and to ensure that we attract only the best talent. A happy team is a productive team.
  3. We assign your CV to a CV writing expert who specialises in your industry and has first-hand knowledge of the requirements of recruiters.

Using CV-Shop means you can be confident that your CV will be critiqued, edited or written by a UK-based, native-speaking CV writing expert who has in-depth knowledge of your industry or sector. They will also be a member of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (MREC) or Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and have a proven track record in knowing exactly what recruiters are looking for in your industry.

They will present your skills and achievements in a dynamic and highly readable format that will attract maximum attention from recruiters. They have in-depth experience of precisely what information to emphasise and, equally important, what should be left out.

See CV-Shop samples of work.

In fact we are so confident in the quality of our CVs that we offer a 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee.

Why wait? You could have your new high-impact, custom-written CV in a matter of hours. CV-Shop CV writing experts are waiting!


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